Church Members,
Thank you for being part of the Eugene church family! I appreciate each one of you. In your own different and unique way your presence is important to the functioning and health of our church.
There will be a Fellowship Meal after church this Sabbath. Are you aware that there are different ladies (only 3-4 of them) that take turns hosting and coordinating the meal each Sabbath? Those ladies usually bring several main entree’s, as well as a salad and desert, in order to make sure that there is plenty to eat for the rest of us who come and enjoy our potlucks. We do not expect our guests to bring food to our meal. There are some of our very elderly members who don’t cook any more. We are glad to provide a meal for those individuals. But for the rest of our church members … if you stay for the meal we do look to you to help provide the food for the meal. Maybe you don’t cook … even a money gift would be helpful. We could use your offering to purchase food items that could be used at future potlucks.
The sermon tomorrow will be based upon the passage in MARK 10: 46-52 where Jesus healed blind Bartimaeus. In our own individual way we have been blinded by sin. Jesus is just as willing to heal us as He was to heal Bartimaeus.
Our Building Fund still is in need of a more money before we can begin PHASE 2 of our remodel project (finishing the new entry and paving our parking lot). We could pray for God to send us “money from heaven”, but I’m certain God is wanting us to do our part first through sacrificial giving. Would you be willing to ask God if He intends to use you to be one of the givers who will contribute money towards this very worthwhile project?
I look forward to seeing you on Sabbath.
Pastor Greg
Mid-week Manna | Wednesdays 1 PM - Forest Room
Power Prayer | Sundays 7 AM
19 | Women’s Brunch and Bible study 10 AM
25 | Daniel Bible Study - after lunch cleanup
| Church Business meeting - Meal provided - 5:30 PM (Leadership planning follows)
1 | Home Friendship Sabbath
3 | Healthy Choices Eugene - plant-based cooking class - 6:30 PM / Elder’s meeting
7 | Daniel Bible study - after lunch cleanup
| Bean auction (new date)
9 | ECA* 15th annual dinner and auction
15 | Game/movie night
16 | Women’s Brunch and Bible study 10 AM
22 | ECA—music for church service
March 27—29 | Oregon Prayer Conference—Pavel Goia
April 25 | Elizabeth Talbot