February 22, 2019


An Amazing Answer To Prayer!


When Jamie Jorge was here for our worship service a couple of weeks ago he closed by sharing with us that he had been invited to go to Russia to preform several concerts for an evangelistic outreach event.   His invitation was on short notice (one week).  He had just applied for his travel visa before he came to Eugene.  He was told that it would take three weeks for his visa to be approved and processed ... and so he asked that we would pray with him for the paperwork to be expedited. 



 He sent me a note last week to say that his application was approved and processed in ONE DAY!   

He wanted all of you to know that God heard and answered the prayer that we prayed with Jamie that Sabbath.  
God is good!


George Ulloa, was a pastor of the Eugene church from 1972-1976. He recently passed away.  

There will be a memorial service for him March 2 at 3 pm at the Meadowglade SDA Church. The address is 11001 NE 189th Street, Battle Ground, WA. The church will also be streaming the service.


The Oregon Conference Pathfinder Bible Bowl...

will be held at our church this Sabbath afternoon (3-5pm).   

It was rescheduled from earlier this month because of weather concerns.


Church Business Mtg

Sunday,  March 10,  

Power Prayer 8 AM (time change this week only) 
9am breakfast potluck
Business Meeting to follow at 10am.

Info will be shared on the financial status of our remodel project, and we will approve the new budget for 2019.