November 14, 2019



1.   The picture at the start of this email was taken this past week by John Clark on the sidewalk of John and Marilyn's home in the South Hills of Eugene.   Thank you, John, for sharing the picture with us.

2.  There is potluck this Sabbath 

3.   Let’s invite our church neighbors to the Fountainview concert! (December 8th) .   When our guests come to the church we will give them a schedule of future events.  Hopefully they will come to one of our other events ... and we are praying that they will be blessed by presence of the Holy Spirit.         After potluck this Sabbath, we will break into groups and walk the couple of blocks around the church, distributing the flyers. A little exercise before sitting down for an afternoon meeting will do us good!  

4.   The community has been invited to the 2 PM meeting this Sabbath. We hope some will come.  There are a few things we can do to help make them feel comfortable:    Come to the meeting and be friendly (for us, the meeting is less about nutrition and more about interacting with the community members), dress casually (either to church or bring a change of clothes), and sit near or beside visitors

5.   Power prayer – Sunday at 7 AM  

6.   Women’s Brunch and Bible study – 10 AM Sunday Bring your Bible and food to share. Thank you to Terri and Karen for organizing these monthly gatherings.   

7.   Business and board meetings – 6 PM Tuesday  

8.   Extra flyers and a few posters – We have a few posters and a stack of flyers for the Fountainview concert that have been saved for members. Please feel free to take flyers to hand out or post where you work, shop, or live. There are flyers at both desks. If they are gone or if you would be willing to put up a poster, see Judy.  

9.   Have you been down our children’s ministry hallway and seen our new classroom signs? Those signs were purchased with a generous donation and they look great! We would love to be able to have signs posted in the lobby for the Fountainview concert. We will need at least four, but six would be even better. Each of those signs is about $45. That seems expensive, well, it is expensive! What is nice about these signs is that they are double-sided and are frames that allow us to create seasonally specific signs for the rooms (which is fun and adds to the ambiance of the church